
Our team was engaged by Paul Meyer of the Connecticut based Schegg Group to handle an outplacement situation in and near Charlotte, North Carolina

In less than 48 hours we engaged with the company, the management team and helped them plan the exit situation. With the combined efforts of the Schegg Group and CareerPro Inc. we created a new outplacement day of gameplan to better equip the management team to handle this layoff. We brought a small team down to the Charlotte based Fortune 500 production operation the day before and the next morning handled the group one by one.

Each person affected was introduced to us in separate rooms after meeting with the HR team. During this time we provided some insight, lowered the tension and began the rapport development so crucial in a more personalized, professional career coaching outplacement engagement.


From the production floor people to the management people each was given personal numbers to our staff. Our meetings took the longest but weeks later and after each person was able to transition to successful new employment that group called that day “crucial” to their well-being and one said it provided “hope that this would not be an obstacle but more of a bump in the road” to better things.

In helping each person first cope with the loss we provided practical connections in the industry and to staffing and hiring authorities that we have developed relationships in the area with over the past months and years

We helped them build a better, practical plan based on their timeframes and created not just a portal to check in on but an on and offline strategy to secure meaningful employment.

We ran individual interview and networking training sessions for each person and each individual had their own concerns, hang ups and confidence issues.


This personalization helped them all land satisfactorily within less than 90 days even after nearly all the group essentially took the next week off to process the situation. We were there every day and every week along the way to handle every question, worry, concern and maybe most importantly execute on a gameplan of improved job search, research and tactics that moved them more efficiently and confidently onto their next employment.

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