
As part of the acquisition and restructure, 10Eighty were asked to deliver a global outplacement support offering across the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and the EU. 10Eighty had the existing relationship with the UK business and they chose to have two suppliers (one smaller supplier – this was 10Eighty who worked in partnership with GOA, and a larger supplier) for individuals to choose from.

The brief

The firm were very keen to look after their employees and provide them with the best possible support to help them navigate their career transition and to secure alternative employment across the world. Some people had long service so would need a different provision, and there were staggered leave dates over an 18-month period.

Our approach

We offered 4 different levels of support ranging from 6 to 15 hours of tailored one to one support.

10Eighty’s partnership with the Global Outplacement Alliance (GOA) meant that we could deliver in any country using local providers with local knowledge. Given the significant number of people based in the USA, we set up a call centre for employees to have one point of contact.

Individuals received the following support:

  • Identification of strengths
  • Specialist advice on self-marketing such as resume building, using social networking such as LinkedIn and personal brand.
  • Developing a job search strategy
  • Becoming familiar with the Proactive Job Search model and how to target organisations
  • Understanding personal branding and how to build a network including the use of LinkedIn
  • Developing an elevator pitch in terms of career strategy
  • Interview skills practice and feedback
  • Tailored research using a range of tools and techniques
  • Access to the online Fuel50 tool to understand yourself, your values, talents and pathways in order to put together a career plan
  • Access to our client website for 6 months providing expert advice on career management techniques, job vacancies and information on companies, resume and interview skills tips and elearning skills
  • Discussing whether to take a job offer or not and the status of career choices

The GOA specialise in ‘landing’ our clients on career paths that meet their ambitions and aspirations as opposed to ‘launching’ them onto the job market. We know it takes the average person 12-13 weeks and between 9-12 hours of one to one career coaching to get a new job and we tailor our approach to individual needs.

We provided access to specialist coaches to assist in the job search and they covered areas such as CV writing, LinkedIn, voice and presentational skills, building confidence and resilience to name but a few.

The outcomes

So far, we have worked with 13 individuals across the US, Australia, France, England and Ireland. Within the states, our GOA Partners involved were CareerPro based in N. Carolina; Transitions Team in Washington and The Transition Team in Tennessee.

8 of the 13 have been signed off as successful whether that be in contracting or full-time employment.


All feedback to date has been positive.

“Thank you so much for the help on the summary and organization of functional experience Don! Also, for the business strategy insight. Very helpful. Appreciate it”.

“I am busy as ever during these challenging times and was very thankful for the support I received from my outplacement program having made a highly successful transition. I am settling in with a French company that is expanding into the US, although my role, in particular, is global’.

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