Laid Off? How outplacement can elevate your career success

In this 30 minute LinkedIn live discussion with Michael Moran of 10Eighty, Laura Poisson of ClearRock and John M O’Connor of the Schegg Group they explore what outplacement support is/isn’t and how it benefits you to take it advantage of it.


The Global Outplacement Alliance Conference 2020Michael Moran

The conference has been traditionally held in the Autumn, hosted by one of our members. Previous locations have included Denver, Newport Rhode Island, Louisville and Knoxville to name a few. This year due to Covid-19 the conference was held virtually across Zoom over 3 successive Tuesday afternoons 24th November, 1st December and 8th December. 10Eighty […]


4 of our clients’ most common questions about restructures & redundanciesDr. Edwin Trevor-Roberts

Learn more as we answer the most common questions about restructures & redundancies that we receive from clients.


7 reasons why businesses need career transition/outplacement supportTrevor-Roberts

For many HR professionals and leaders, it may seem counterintuitive to invest in the welfare of departing staff, However, when guidance and support are not provided for employees to cope with job loss and managing their transition, costs are significant.


A Primer For How To Handle A LayoffJohn M. O'Connor

For most organizational leadership, a layoff, a firing or “letting people go” that at one time you hired and made a “permanent” employee hurts and is hard for all parties. This article should give you a primer or starter guide when facing tough decisions.


Dear Mister Rogers: A Lesson In Civility As We Enter The New DecadeJohn O'Connor

I wanted to write a letter to a person and perhaps to the spirit of civility that we could all use a little bit more of in our personal and professional lives. Who would you want to write to, living or not? This is my From John letter (not my Dear John letter) to Mister Rogers.


Maintaining focus in unsettled timesLiz Sebag-Montefiore

The fast moving pace of change in the world of work has meant a challenging labour market in recent years. Fundamental change, largely driven by technological advances, has changed the way we work, the way we find work and our relationship with our employers.


Outplacement, why organisations should invest in itLiz Sebag-Montefiore

Morale and motivation will always be affected by redundancies but, handled well, the effects can be minimised, mitigated in ways that protect organisational employer brand and reputation. It is in the corporate interest to invest in high quality outplacement.

